
The rapture the beginning of the end trailer
The rapture the beginning of the end trailer

the rapture the beginning of the end trailer

In the End Times, people will be crying desperately for leaders to deliver them, and they will seek mystics and religious leaders who claim to have deeper knowledge. The Bible warns us that these are no ordinary men. We must be on guard and ask ourselves who these sinister false prophets and messiahs are. These false prophets are not working with sleight of hand illusions. In this passage Jesus, speaking to us, warns us that false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even elect. In Matthew 24, Jesus gave a warning specifically for our generation. There will be many people who will claim to be the Messiah and also claim to have the answers for a troubled world. However, whether to live to see pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation or post-tribulation or we die prior to any type of Rapture at all, they key to eternal salvation in all cases is our faith in Jesus Christ alone.ĭuring the Rapture, there will be signs of deception. For believers, the pre-tribulation Rapture is a wonderful hope. The pre-tribulation view is that the Rapture will happen before the tribulation period, the mid-tribulation view is that the Rapture will occur half-way through the tribulation period and the post-tribulation view is that the Rapture will occur at the end of the tribulation period. The main debate on the Rapture is not what it is, but when it will occur in relation to the tribulation. Many wonder if it occurs before, during or after the tribulation period. The timing of the Rapture sparks a great debate within Christianity. At this event “every eye shall see Him” although at the Rapture he will come “as a thief” and only believers will see Him. In the first stage of the Rapture, the Lord comes for His church whereas, at the end of the tribulation period, He comes back with His church. At the Rapture, the Lord will descent bodily in the air for his saints, both for the dead and for the living (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) which will be seven years prior to the Revelation of the second stage of His coming. The second phase occurs at the close of the time of tribulation when Jesus will return to Earth in triumph and glory. The first will be a secret Rapture – or carrying away of the saved to heaven – at the beginning of a seven-year period of tribulation, during which the antichrist will appear. The meaning or definition of Rapture is the idea that the coming of Jesus will take place in two separate stages. However, it is important as believers that we recognize the differences. While the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ are similar, they are separate events. The Rapture is typically associated with events of the Second Coming of Christ, when Jesus returns to defeat the Antichrist, destroy evil, and establish His millennial kingdom. In short, the Rapture is the return of Christ in the clouds to remove all believers from the earth before the time of God’s wrath. This will all occur in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. At the time of the Rapture, believers who have died will have their bodies resurrected and, along with believers who are still living, will meet the Lord in the air.

the rapture the beginning of the end trailer

While the word “Rapture” does not appear in the Bible, the event is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-44. While Scripture nowhere encourages us to try to determine the date of Jesus’ return, we are told to keep watch because we don’t know what day our Lord will come (Matthew 24:42). According to the Bible, the event will be instantaneous, in the “twinkling of an eye”. The Rapture is an end times event where Jesus Christ returns for His Church.

The rapture the beginning of the end trailer